
Medieval Manuscripts from the Museum of the Brno Region

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In 2022, the Museum of the Brno Region digitised four more manuscripts from the second half of the 14th century and the first half of the 15th century from the library of the Benedictine Abbey in Rajhrad. All the codices contain mostly writings attributed to the Church Fathers and sermons; for instance, the author of the collection in manuscript R 405 is Matthew of Kraków. A linguistically significant codex, containing i.a. Czech Gospel readings, is kept under the shelf mark R 364.


List of documents

Sermones super epistolas et evangelia de temporeR 369; Benediktinské opatství Rajhrad; Muzeum Brněnska, p.o.; Rajhrad; Česká republika
Antonius de Azaro Parmensis: PostillaR 363; Benediktinské opatství Rajhrad; Muzeum Brněnska, p.o.; Rajhrad; Česká republika
Matthaeus de Cracovia: Sermones super evangelia et epistolas de sanctisR 405; Benediktinské opatství Rajhrad; Muzeum Brněnska, p.o.; Rajhrad; Česká republika
Sermones dominicalesR 364; Benediktinské opatství Rajhrad; Muzeum Brněnska, p.o.; Rajhrad; Česká republika

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