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An exhibition of the Lipnice Bible and other biblical manuscripts

National Library of the Czech Republic will be hosting the exhibition The Lipnice Bible 1421–2021: Shield of Faith in the Turbulent Times. From 1 September to 15 September 2021, a unique medieval manuscript, known as the Lipnice Bible, will be displayed there, alongside other precious biblical manuscripts stored in the National Library. In its virtual form, the exhibition will also be accessible in our digital library. Moreover, the entire already-digitized Lipnice Bible will be published here in the Manuscriptorium.


Medieval Manuscripts from the National Museum Library

Another five medieval manuscripts from the collections of the National Museum Library were digitised in 2021. Most of them had passed through the library of the house of Augustinian canons in Roudnice nad Labem. The collections of ecclesiastical law XVII A 5 and XVII A 15 were at least partly written in Italy at the turn of the 14th century and in the first half of the 14th century. Another legal treatise, Casus longi in quinque libros decretalium (XVII A 9) by Bernard of Parma, dates from the same period. A copy of the work Historia satirica by Paul of Venice (XVI A 8) was made in Bohemia, probably in Prague, at the beginning of the 15th century; it was bequeathed to the house of Augustinian canons in Roudnice by Adam of Nežetice, vicar general of the Archdiocese of Prague, in 1414. The last digitised codex is a missal of the Archdiocese of Prague from the early 15th century (XVI A 9), used at St Andrew’s Altar in the parish church of St Bartholomew in Pilsen.


Manuscripts from the Regional Museum in Teplice

The Regional Museum in Teplice digitised two manuscripts from its collections in 2021. The earlier of them is a gradual (shelf mark Or I 2) with hymns for the Mass Ordinary and for fixed feasts, most of which were written in the Cistercian monastery in Osek in 1656. The Cistercian Order is also associated with the list of the dead from individual convents (mostly Bohemian) that covers the period of 1762–1943 and began to be recorded in St Marienstern monastery, Upper Lusatia (shelf mark R2020/28).
