
Manuscripts and Early Printed Books from the Library of the Museum of West Bohemia in Pilsen

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Three manuscripts and two binder’s volumes of printed books were digitised from the collections of the Library of the Museum of West Bohemia in Pilsen in 2016. The manuscripts are sketch-books of Marie Eleonore Windisch-Grätz, Princess of Schwarzenberg (1796–1848), the wife of Alfred I, Prince of Windisch-Grätz, from 1814–1829. The individual parts of both binder’s volumes of early printed books were printed in various Austrian and German printing houses in the first third of the 16th century; they comprise Latin and German theological works and sermons.


List of documents

[Konvolut německých tisků]504 D 008; Západočeské muzeum v Plzni; Plzeň; Česko
Náčrtník Eleonory ze Schwarzenberku z roku 1814511 C 017; Západočeské muzeum v Plzni; Plzeň; Česko
Náčrtník Eleonory z Windischgrätzu z let 1818–1829511 C 018; Západočeské muzeum v Plzni; Plzeň; Česko
Náčrtník Eleonory z Windischgrätzu z let 1816–1820511 C 019; Západočeské muzeum v Plzni; Plzeň; Česko